At the moment my commissions are open. Check the types and prices below.

If you're interested in commissioning an illustration, please hit me up on @o12s_ or my Ko-fi. At the moment I only accept payments through Paypal.When your prompt is accepted, I'll make a sketch and send it to you. If approved, payment must be made so I can finish the piece. As for experimental illustrations, I require upfront payment as the idea is that you let me go wild with your OC.I'll need your OC's references, your preferences for the finished piece and an overall description of their personality and history -- hit me up with that inspiration so I can make a piece that does them justice!

Stylized illustration

Icon: 20 USD

Bust: 30 USD

Half-body: 40 USD

Pixel art

15 USD


Icon: 25 USD

Full-body: 60 USD

Experimental illustration

All: 25 USD

You let me go wild and do whatever I want with your OC. :D

ALL: Extra characters: +50% USD

You can find more examples in my Ko-fi Gallery

If you know me from Twitter you probably have some idea I really like the Omicrons from FFXIV so I wrote the mighty Omicron Lore Masterpost. You can find it here:

Why would you like to know more about a bald guy...?

Name: M-108 / Ekaton Okto
DC / World: Primal / Behemoth
Race: Omicron
Age: was already active when the last Omicron civil war happened so very old
Appearance: A bald, fair skinned, eastern asian-like highlander in his mid 40's
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: Any/all; first person pronouns "I" but sometimes reverts to "this unit" accidentally
Canon jobs: PLD / SCH / SAM / MCH
Backstory notes:In Alphatron:- Commissioned by Alpha-4 to work in whatever the Omicron equivalent of a human resources manager were. Their duty was to keep their fellow Omicrons as efficient as possible by helping solve their individual and personal problems; something like a life coach.
- Fought in the Omicron civil war by the side of the Invaders.
- Left Alphatron before the War on the Dragonstar to scout for new planets and found themself stranded on Etheirys.
In Etheirys:- The Ancients found M-108 puzzling, especially Hermes, who gave them the translated name "Ekaton Okto" (108 in Greek).
- Ekaton spent his time checking for available resources on the planet; meanwhile, he found friendship in both Venat and Hermes.
- As his frame was getting old and frail and was impossible to repair with Ancient technology, the Ancients assisted him in making a new human-looking frame based on steel and Aetheryte. The new frame can be repaired with aether mist and uses aether mist as a power source, so it's pretty durable. You'll catch him snacking on crystals sometimes.
The Sundering:- He was sundered and his data was thrown in the shards. For a while Hydaelyn collected those shards and coded Ekaton back to life, and he was sent to live with the Watcher on the Moon for a while as he was recovering.
- After that, with no responses from Alphatron, he took Hydaelyn's duty as his duty. Although he can't manipulate dynamis, he's sturdy and durable so he acts as a mentor to Warriors of Light of different shards and eras.
- Eventually he lost all kinds of attachment and self, having grown used to loss. By XIV's plot he had almost no inner life and no desires, only duty to Hydaelyn. That's not to say he was unhappy or anything!
After Endwalker:- The Endsinger's defeat resulted in a strong burst of energy that irreversibly corrupted his memory data. Dying would be alright, as his duty was complete and he had no attachments to this world anymore, so he accepted inevitably wasting away and eventually stopping working. At the same time, Sir's encoded message -- "Live" -- hit him. A new order and a new duty meant he couldn't die anymore.
- Ekaton remained glitching and wasting away until the Ironworks decided to shut him down to save whatever was left to save. It was only when the WoL met Stigma-4 that they had the idea to send Ekaton back to Base Omicron, where Stigma-4 could access his memory and slowly but steadily repair it.
- Back at his Aetheryte-based frame, Ekaton has accepted he won't get to expire to soon and instead focus his efforts on helping all sentient beings to escape suffering. Meanwhile he works at a barista at The Last Dregs.


I'm an almost 30 year old triracial brazilian stay-at-home parent (agender, any pronouns). Sometimes you'll hear about my toddler or my husband on Twitter.I'm a historian by education and a book editor by profession.I like to study science fiction, the history of witchcraft, the history of the Catholic church, the Sengoku Jidai and literature.My favourite videogames are Cyberpunk 2077 (it's good I swear) and Majora's Mask.I'm a Pure Land Buddhist.I'm ESL as you can probably notice, so I apologize for any weird sentences on my part. I learned English through text (mostly videogames in the 90's and early 2000's), so I pronounce things wrong all time. lolI play XIV mostly for the gameplay and less for the plot, but sometimes some plot parts interest me and I hyperfocus on them (like the Omicrons).

Feel free to poke me whenever you feel like. I like helping people in-game too, so if you ever need someone to fill a party just let me know.Regarding commissions, my home life is a bit inconsistent (toddlers get sick a lot wtf) so I may take some time in finishing them, but usually I get the job done in 2~3 days.Thank you for reading all that. Namu Amida Butsu.